The Lives of Others Film Complet
Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014
- Classement des films :
- Date de sortie du film : 2006-03-15
- Moyenne vote : 7.8
- Nombre de Vote : 229
- Soci�t�s de Production : Arte
- Statut : Released
- Slogan : Before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, East Germany's Secret Police Listened to Your Secrets.
- Film d'ex�cution : 137
- Langues parl�es : Deutsch
- Youtube Id :
- Titre original : Das Leben der Anderen
- Film Genre : Drama- Thriller-
- The Lives of Others Film Complet Moulages de film :
- Martina Gedeck Character (Christa-Maria Sieland)
- Ulrich Mhe Character (Gerd Wiesler)
- Sebastian Koch Character (Georg Dreyman)
- Ulrich Tukur Character (Anton Grubitz)
- Thomas Thieme Character (Bruno Hempf)
- Hans-Uwe Bauer Character (Paul Hauser)
- Volkmar Kleinert Character (Albert Jerska)
- Matthias Brenner Character (Karl Wallner)
- Bastian Trost Character (Hftling 227)
- Charly Hbner Character (Udo)
- Herbert Knaup Character (Gregor Hessenstein)
- Marie Gruber Character (Frau Meineke)
- Hinnerk Schnemann Character (Axel Stigler)
- Thomas Arnold Character (Nowack)
- Ludwig Blochberger Character (Benedikt Lehmann)
The Lives of Others Synopsis:
En streaming The Lives of Others A tragic love story set in East Berlin with the backdrop of an undercover Stasi controlled culture The Lives of Others Film Complet. Stasi captain Wieler is ordered to follow author Dreyman and plunges deeper and deeper into his life until he reaches the threshold of doubting the system. The Lives of Others
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Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Job as : Screenplay, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Job as : Director, Hagen Bogdanski Job as : Director of Photography, Patricia Rommel Job as : Editor, Gabriel Yared Job as : Original Music Composer, Stphane Moucha Job as : Original Music Composer, Max Wiedemann Job as : Producer, Quirin Berg Job as : Producer, Dirk Hamm Job as : Producer, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Job as : Producer, Simone Br Job as : Casting,
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US : Release Date 2006-06-06 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. NL : Release Date 2006-04-07 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. DE : Release Date 2006-03-15 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. CA : Release Date 2006-09-06 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. FR : Release Date 2006-11-18 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. GB : Release Date 2007-03-22 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. KR : Release Date 2007-03-22 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit. BR : Release Date 2007-11-30 Regarder The Lives of Others Film Complet Gratuit.
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Judul: The Lives of Others Film Complet
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